EB課程:40小時「用Business (b) English關連」中學到大學碎片英文


需要對 Grammar and Business Usage進行「系統梳理(如商業合約、法例條文、銷售用語的技巧),期望商用英文能力「突破瓶頸」的新生


Eb 課程照舊採用E課程的3大語構家族的「連續劇」教學體系,如下:
Ch1-Ch14 第一家族(主句家族:1st 思維導圖)
Ch 15-Ch18 第二家族(形容語家族: 2nd思維導圖)
Ch19-Ch.30 第三家族(狀語家族: 3rd思維導圖)
以7句型+3語構的「畫解」技術,以大量商業用的Sentences,將Business English 世界常見的Grammar and Usage「可視化」,再加上「商業寫作技巧」的教授,對提升職場運用英文的能力,有「系統終於升級」「能夠全面掌握」的信心。
2.第二家族篇的形容語技巧: Collective quantifier,搞清whereof/thereof;whereby/thereby… 等;
3.第三家族篇的各類Advanced Modifiers for Business 的詞配與例句。


學生「抄過、畫過、思考過」後,對Business English 有「豁然開朗」之感
E版是7+3視覺英語的「皇牌課程」,是Eb版則是我們推出的「黃金課程」 (互為reinforce,雙得益彰!)
Lesson 1
7句型公式+3語構顏色的【畫解】基本功I: Transitive & Intransitive
Lesson 2
7句型公式+3語構顏色的【畫解】基本功II: Transitive & Intransitive
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
The Secret of Pronunciation: 7個長音+5個短音的「實用」發音系統
Lesson 5
句型 4/5/5c: Indirect Object, Direct Object, Predicative
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
句型4的演化: Preposition between Direct Object & Indirect Object
Lesson 8
句型 5的演化: Verb to be 與 v.i. 的互換關係
Lesson 9
Passive Voice
Lesson 10
句型 5c/6: Complement 與 Object Predicative
Lesson 11
Imperative Mood & Bare Infinitive
Lesson 12
Lesson 13
寫作技巧I: Parallelism (平行結構/並列句)的語法技巧
Lesson 14
寫作技巧II: Elaboration (重申、反襯、引出、舉例)的語法技巧
Lesson 15
Function of Definer /Collective Quantifier
Lesson 16
Compound Adjective 的Usage/ Adj. Phrase/ Defining vs Non-defining
Lesson 17
whereby 與thereby/ wherewith與therewith 之別
Lesson 18
whereof 與 thereof/ wherein 與therein 之別
Lesson 19
as作relative pronoun 及其配配
Lesson 20
Modifiers of Time (Usage)
Lesson 21
Modifier of Purpose (business-oriented)
Lesson 22
Modifier of Result (business-oriented)
Lesson 23
Modifier of Reason (business-oriented)
Lesson 24
Modifier of Concession (business-oriented)
Lesson 25
Modifier of Condition (business-oriented)
Lesson 26
Modifier of Comparison (business-oriented)
Lesson 27
Modifier of Additioin (business-oriented)
Lesson 28
Participial Modifier I (business-oriented)
Lesson 29
Participial Modifier II: Advanced absolute Construction with Sense Subject (business-oriented)
Lesson 30
Participial Modifier III (business-oriented): Conjunction+ Ving 的用法
P.S. EB的Lesson 1-Lesson 4與E版是一樣的,上過E版的舊生,請從Lesson 5上起。