Which, in which, where 用法【包含中階、高階運用解說】
以下會講述Which / in Which / Where, 3者可以互換的用法。而影片會講到which / who / whom 配前置詞【介詞】常見的高階用法。
因此,which / who / whom / where 不止可以作為簡單問句,也可作為複合句很重要的一部份。其實,外國人經常會用它們來表達複雜的意念,在我們的課程中【按此】,外國人思維表會有非常詳細的講解。
1. Which的兩種用法【限定/非限定】
Mr.Chen has a dog which can sleep all day. 這是「限定用法」【defining clause】, 因為陳先生擁有很多頭狗,所以要「限定」哪一隻–就是那隻終日在睡的那頭呢!
Mr.Chen has a dog, which can sleep all day. 這是「非限定用法」【Non-defining clause】, 因為陳先生只有一頭狗,所以「不需限定」,大家都心知吐明,就是「那頭狗」。[這又稱為同位語用法]
「非限定子句」【non-defining clause】的特徵就是在要形容的名詞後,加【,which…】,來表示這是獨一無二的(人的名稱/地的名稱後也會用非限定子句,【加,which…】)
2. In which的in有時可以理解成從後面的子句中搬上前面來
The university in which he once studied is a famous one.
= The university which he once studied in is a famous one.l
The box in which the books are kept was bought.
=The box which the books are kept in was bought.
3. in which 可翻譯成「在…裡面」,若要形容的名詞是一個地點,可直接以where取代
例:The university in which he once studied is a famous one.
=The university where he once studied is a famous one. 【一旦用where,prep就不見了。】
The box in which the books are kept was bought.
=The box where the books are kept was bought. 【一旦用where,prep就不見了。】
可能你會問為什麼which前面可以有preposition,而where就不能呢? 原因是which, whom 等是關係代名詞(而不是關係副詞) ,所以,有關「副詞的狀態」(preposition) 是不能被交代的。【於是,你會見過in which, in whom 】。而where,when,why等卻是關係副詞,是能交代物件的狀態,所以preposition就會省略掉。
廣東話 who/whom/which 配前置詞用法
普通話 who/whom/which 配前置詞用法
in which, at which, on which與when/where的分別【從3個步驟深入了解】【按此】
that 用法【包括初階、中階】通達不同的用法【按此】
of which 與 of whom 用法 VS whose, of whom與of which用法【按此了解更多】
2種的【in, for, on, at, from, to】+which 的高階用法
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